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How do I know if I'm lacking in magnesium?

I may be missing it. If you are tired (you may also have slept badly or lack iron), have body aches, muscle pain (perhaps due to intense effort) or cramps (also related to dehydration), the eyelid jumping, bloating, abdominal pain or palpitations. Or if you wake up at night (but maybe it's due to the temperature of the room?) or if you're stressed.

I surely miss it. If you have muscle tension in the neck and in several places (not explained by a bad position or intense effort), or if you have several signs:fatigue, muscle tension, digestive or sleep disorders, stress.

How do I take it. We drink mineral water rich in magnesium (Hépar, Contrex, Badoit…), we eat green and dried vegetables, oilseeds, whole grains, soy and chocolate (watch out, we assimilate it less well because of the fats ). It can also be taken as a dietary supplement:a course of one month. If the symptoms disappear, we stop. We can resume if we feel stressed again.

Thanks to Dr. Jean-Paul Curtay, author of the book " Okinawa, a global program for better living ", Anne Carrière.