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How often are we going to see these specialists?

The gynecologist. The consultation is once a year, from the age of 25. For the pill but especially for the cervical cancer screening smear and from the age of 40 for mammography, to prevent breast cancer.

The dentist. You should not overlook the annual control and scaling, especially if you are a smoker (which promotes the formation of tartar and increases the risk of gingivitis).

The ophthalmologist. Blurred vision, squinted eyes, aching skull in front of the computer screen... we consult! After examination, which also makes it possible to diagnose hypertension, glaucoma or diabetes, the ophthalmologist decides on the frequency of check-up appointments. Usually once a year, if you wear glasses.

The dermatologist. Beware of moles:if you have a lot of them, monitoring is set up, annually or every 2 years, to prevent the risk of melanoma (skin cancer).

The cardiologist. The practice of an intensive sport (like squash), stress... it wears you out. As a precaution, especially if you have a history of heart problems in your family, or around the age of 40, you can do an exercise electrocardiogram, the only test that can check that the heart is in good working order.

My GP. In principle, you do not go to a specialist directly (except to the dentist, the gynecologist, the ophthalmologist and the shrink), without first going through a consultation with your doctor (often the general practitioner). He is the one who directs us to the specialist, "Coordinated care path" obliges, at the risk of being weighed down on the reimbursement side of the Social Security.

Thanks to Dr Jean-Louis Busch, general practitioner, Issy les Moulineaux.