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These are 6 condition killers

Effortlessly sprint to the bus or run up five flights of stairs to your workplace. We all want to be in such good shape. But you won't succeed with these 6 fitness killers.


Disastrous for your lungs and the binding of oxygen. Experts agree that little is as bad for your condition as smoking.

Read also: ‘It is normal to be out of breath during these 5 moments‘

Wrong power supply

Saturated fats cause your arteries to clog, which leads to less good blood circulation. Eat enough proteins, because they help build muscle.

Don't move

Sitting on the couch has never made anyone fitter. In fact:your muscles become less and your condition deteriorates rapidly.


Prevents your recovery process and causes extra muscle pain.


Your condition will not immediately deteriorate, but after one week it will start to decline. Fortunately, your condition has 'memory', so you can straighten that out afterwards.


You usually move less and eat more, which reduces your muscle strength and endurance. But they will soon return when you start training again.

build up slowly

If you have not exercised before and are therefore not in good condition, it is advisable not to train too often or too intensively. Start with half an hour two to three times a week at 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, you can also recite the text of 'See yonder comes the steamboat'. If you manage to talk comfortably and easily, then you are good in terms of intensity. If you start panting, you are sitting just a little too high. This 'Talk Test' was developed by the American physiologist Carl Foster.

Text:Fleur Baxmeier