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Tired liver? Here are the foods to include in your daily life to re-energize it

Why do aLiver Detox ? The reason is simple. This organ has the role of filtering the blood and facilitating the assimilation of fats. It also removes toxins from various factors. However, as age advances, the liver slowly loses its efficiency . During the holidays, our liver tends to suffer all our excesses. We relax a little and enjoy the moment, but he is only waiting for the dry January. However, if it is saturated, it can no longer fulfill its role as a filter . Between foods to eat, smoothies and infusions to concoct, here is the detox guide so that your liver does not suffer the holiday season.

Liver detox:foods to eat

It's time to go green , but not only. In order for your liver to recover from the holiday season, there are a few foods to include in your daily routine. To detoxify your liver, it is important to adopt a diet rich in anti-oxidants and fibers to eliminate toxins of your body. For this, we will regularly eat green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach or green beans, but also garlic raw and crushed, or even beets . Include grapefruit in your diet. Known for its antioxidant, pectin and vitamin C content, it flushes the liver and acts as a detoxifier. Finally, turmeric and flax seeds should not be neglected on a daily basis.

Liver detox:habits to adopt

Essential Oils play an essential role in regenerating liver cells. Indeed, peppermint EO, or lemon EO or ginger EO, ​​promote digestion and the elimination of hepatic waste. We will not hesitate to offer small massages regularly. Smoothies and infusions are essential for a good detoxifying cure. For our smoothies we will favor fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, fibers, vitamins C. Among them, lemon , celery , the apple , pineapple and the lawyer. And for our infusions we will opt for sometimes unsuspected ingredients. The unexpected ingredient to offer a detox to our liver is none other than the dandelion . Its leaves are known for their benefits on the body's biliary functions. They evacuate toxins by activating bile secretion and by stimulating the liver.