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Cereals:here are the healthiest according to 60 million consumers

The cereals , have long been the stars of our breakfasts . Since our earliest childhood through adolescence but also in adulthood. When we were younger, we didn't care about their sugar content. or their ultra-transformed composition. Today, we continue to fall for a bowl of cereals immersed in fresh milk. But while remaining attentive to their composition. By reflex, we will therefore turn to cereals organic or complete. But organic doesn't mean unsweetened or unprocessed.

Take care of your health while having fun

To find out where we stand, the magazine 60 million consumers sifted through sixty of cereals. To do this, they analyzed the amount of sugars, fats , additives or fibers . Unsurprisingly, cereals with chocolate are the sweetest but generally contain the most additives . Even if the magazine noted some efforts. The mueslis are also among the sweetest cereals (so they are not necessarily the healthiest, as one might tend to think).

Cereals richest in fibre would be those with fruits and would contain less sugar overall than the others. Thus, they would contain interesting fats , according to the association of consumers . Regarding plain cereals, these are the ones that contain the least additives and are less sweet than those with chocolate but contain more salt. “For five references, one serving is more than one-tenth our salt needs (5 g/day according to the World Health Organization)" , notes the consumer association.

Here is the top 3 of each cereal category to get an idea. Find the ranking complete in issue 573 of 60 million consumers , currently on newsstands.