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Do you sleep less than 7 hours a night? You take risks, find out which ones

Sleep is essential. After a long day of work , slipping into his sheets is certainly one of the best feelings. But also the best moment of the day. But between going to bed and finding sleep , there is a world. And according to the recent study conducted by Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin , published byPublic Health France , the sleep time of the French people is significantly below the sleep time recommended (seven hours). Indeed, “the sleep time of the French would have increased to 6 hours and 42 minutes per night” .

Neglecting your sleep is tantamount to neglecting your health

And if the fatigue is the symptom main (and known) lack of sleep , there are many other risks that can lead to situations problematic or even dangerous . Indeed, sleeping less than seven hours per night could lead to weight gain , decreased concentration and libido and cause diseases cardiovascular. But that's not all. Lack of sleep can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, leading to depression and weaken the immune system. In short, you have every reason in the world to sleep seven hours or more and every reason to stop not getting enough sleep.