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Bra:why do you have to take it off to sleep? A doctor answers!

The bra is part of the daily life of the majority of women and yet, several of its aspects remain unknown to its users. How does it work (spoiler:it's the headband that supports the chest and not the straps)? How is it chosen? Is it not recommended to keep it to sleep? If we have already answered the first 2 questions at length, today we solve the mystery of wearing a bra while sleeping. Let's agree right away:keeping the underwear while you are in the arms of Morpheus is rarely an intentional decision, but rather the consequence of a drunken evening and/or an immeasurable laziness. So is it really bad for your health or for the firmness of the breasts, as we tend to think? An eminent London doctor puts an end to the myths once and for all. Dr. Seth Rankin would like to point out that sleeping with a bra is far from being a decisive criterion in the “sagging” of the chest. “Sagging breasts are an inevitable phenomenon as women age [because] the connective tissue that holds the breasts in place loses its elasticity over time “explains the practitioner. He adds that pregnancy, breastfeeding, genes, smoking, significant weight gain and loss, and intense physical activity can accelerate sagging. This is why “it is very difficult to measure the real effects of wearing a bra in bed, there are many other factors that have much more visible consequences », always according to the doctor.

The bra is useless when lying on your back

What is certain in any case is that the bra is of no use when you are on your back. “Sagging breasts are a result of gravity […] When you lie on your back, gravity pushes fat toward your chest instead of your toes. So wearing a bra (whose function is to support the breasts from below) in bed is useless ". If we stick to this logic, favoring the lying position over the long term could help avoid the phenomenon of sagging, but we would have to stay on our backs for much more than 7 to 8 hours as we do on average every night. . With the issue of sagging breasts now settled, what about the possible health issues that the practice can cause? Dr. Rankin is adamant that too small a bra is bound to cause harm. “If your bra regularly leaves marks on your skin because it is too tight, then wearing it 24 hours a day gives the skin no chance to return to its original shape “, he says. And to continue:“ Apart from the breasts, the bust is a part of the anatomy where a lot of things happen, from the vessels to the ganglia, passing through the nerves and the muscles. A bra that is too tight can prevent blood from reaching the breasts and surrounding areas. It is the same for the lymphatic system:the circulation of the lymph to the important nodes on the side of the chest and the armpits can be hindered. This can interfere with the vital function of the system which drains toxic products ". We therefore remember that it is better to remove your bra before sleeping (and at the same time, who likes to do the opposite?!) and that it is very important to choose underwear that is well suited to your chest. We don't hesitate to ask for advice in store!