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Insomnia:this fruit full of vitamins will paradoxically help you fall asleep, find out which one!

It is in the collective consciousness, one of the fruits to which we lend (rightly) the power to energize us; the reason for its very high vitamin C content; with 92.70 mg, it makes it possible to cover the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. This is how each morning, it is cut in half to savor its flesh with a teaspoon, happy with the nutritional contributions it brings to our organism.

This fruit usually eaten for breakfast that makes it easier to fall asleep

But if it seems ideal at breakfast time, it turns out that the kiwi (since it is about him) turns out to be an ideal ally for… finding sleep. This is indeed the conclusion of researchers from Taiwan Taipei Medical University who in a study conducted in 2017 showed that eating two kiwis an hour would make it easier to fall asleep by 35% and increase sleep duration by 13 %. To arrive at these results, the researchers asked 24 volunteers to consume two kiwis one hour before bedtime, for four weeks.

A fruit rich in serotonin!

So why would the kiwi make it possible to reach Morpheus more quickly? This would be due to the antioxidants and the high serotonin content it contains; serotonin being a precursor neurotransmitter for the production of melatonin, otherwise known as the “sleep hormone”; and it is the latter which facilitates falling asleep as well as entering the different phases of sleep.

A result that is surprising to say the least and somewhat nuanced for the researchers for whom a large-scale study is necessary to definitively validate their results. Still, it costs nothing to try for those of us who have difficulty finding sleep and its countless benefits.