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Here are the smoked salmon brands to absolutely avoid according to 60 million consumers

On a buttered toast or as an aperitif, smoked salmon makes our taste buds salivate. However, one should be wary of this product. Indeed, as noted in the annual survey published and conducted by the magazine 60 million consumers , some smoked salmon and smoked trout available in supermarkets, may be harmful . To do this, the magazine reviewed 15 smoked salmon references and 15 smoked trout references.

To begin with, on the 3 heavy metals sought in the 15 smoked salmon and 15 smoked trout analyzed (cadmium, lead, mercury), only very small traces of mercury were identified in certain references. Almost undetectable traces in a slice of about 40 g of smoked fish. Good news also on the side of antiparasitic substances that are known to be harmful to human health:of the 30 samples tested, none contained them.

Should we give up on smoked salmon and trout?

With regard to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) – substances released during the smoking of fish, some of which are considered "carcinogenic", the results appear less encouraging. Indeed, smoked salmon Casino Délices label rouge, Odyssée smoked salmon and Carrefour Bio smoked trout contained problematic PAHs. Worse:the Casino Délices smoked salmon label rouge would exceed the authorized values ​​with 17 µg of benzo[a]pyrene per kilogram of fish, while the maximum value is 2 µg/kg.

Finally, this product, which we love during the holidays, often contains too a large amount of salt . This is revealed by 60 million consumers . On average, a slice of smoked fish is enough to cover ¼ of the daily salt limit recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among the smoked fish tested, the organic smoked salmon La Vie claire held the prize with 1.36 grams of salt for only 1 slice.

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