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Disgusting! :discover the (far) excessive amount of plastic that a human being ingests every week!

According to a WWF International report published in 2019, humans ingest 2,000 particles of microplastics (about 5 grams), the equivalent of a credit card… per week. Yes, you read that right, one credit card per week! According to these data from the WWF, a compilation of 50 studies carried out on the human ingestion of plastics, each human being would therefore swallow approximately 2000 micro-parts and particles each week, or some 250 grams annually. Horror!!!!

Food:plastic in our seafood

So how does this plastic insinuate itself into our body? Still according to the study, bottled and tap water would play a big role in this ingestion. But this is not a single source; indeed among the other consumer products analyzed, seafood, beer and salt contain the highest levels.

Now the question naturally arises:is it dangerous, doctor? "The truth is, we don't know , replies the WWF. We know that plastics cause irreparable harm to wildlife, but scientists are only just beginning to look at their effects on human health. Can we say, categorically, that it affects our health? No. Does that mean we can sleep peacefully? Absolutely not. »

Plastic on the highest glaciers as in marine faults

Micro-plastics, resulting from the degradation of products as diverse as synthetic clothing, tires, contact lenses, etc., are found, as we know, now everywhere on the planet, on the highest glaciers as well as in marine faults. . We will therefore remember that the use of a water bottle would save 14kg of plastic per person per year , or more than 28,000 tonnes of plastic saved with the people of Paris alone. And finally last information:know that if we took all the plastic drifting in our oceans and grouped it in one place, it would be equivalent to 5 times the size of France. No comment!

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