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What are the best industrial soups according to 60 Million consumers?

With negative temperatures , nothing beats a small soup to warm up. Whether on the lunch break or for dinner, you can not do without this drink with many benefits. However, if we love soup, sometimes we run out of time to peel and cut butternut squash, sweet potatoes, carrots… So, we turn to industrial soups already prepared, an alternative which seems ideal to us, when the reference chosen is of quality! Indeed, dehydrated soup with bottled soup , not all are equal. The magazine 60 Millions de Consommateurs then studied the different references and gives us those that we can consume without hesitation.

What are the best supermarket soups?

In January 2021, 60 million consumers screened 28 soup references available in supermarkets. We then found pumpkin soups, leek veloutés or even ground vegetables. However, not all preparations are recommended since some have a high salt level , while others contain pesticides and controversial substances (palm oil). So, when it comes to soups, which one to choose?

The magazine has highlighted some products that can be consumed without worry. In first position, we find the dehydrated sachets of “pumpkin with toasted chestnut chips” soup from Bio Cambrésis. Next, the vegetable grinds varied, the “7 organic local vegetables” soup from Marcel Bio. Finally, the leek velouté and potatoes, it is that of the Liebig brand.