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October:the ideal month to go on a diet according to a study

The study carried out with 3,000 people and using data on connected scales has established that it is at this time of year that our weight reaches its minimum. Explanation:there were the spring diets (the famous "bathing suit" diets) and the holidays where in general, we eat lighter and exercise more than the rest of the year.

October 1, a key date

But let's not rejoice too quickly because it is also at this time of the year that we begin to put on the pounds... not to mention, as the study points out, the period that follows with the excesses of holiday meals. . This is why the doctor and co-author of the study Brian Wansink advises to start watching your diet from October 1st rather than making good resolutions at the start of the year...

Rather motivating, isn't it?