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Detox cure:choosing the right drinks

Green tea for slimming

Not all detox drinks serve the same purpose. To keep your figure or find it, nothing like green tea. It will wage war on sugars and fats and prevent them from being stored in the hips or buttocks. In Japan, known for the general good health of its inhabitants, green tea is an essential drink. Its diuretic action increases the elimination of cholesterol from food. It can be consumed in moderation, with only 2 calories per cup. It also contains caffeine, which is great for burning calories. But be careful not to add milk to green tea:it cancels all its benefits.

Lemon for blood

Lemon is the perfect partner for a detox cure. In winter, a glass of squeezed lemon juice protects against small and large viruses thanks to its high vitamin C content. And in summer, lemon makes you forget the problems of heavy legs. It contains flavonoids which thin the blood and maintain vascular health. Lemon fibers are also excellent for intestinal transit.

Spring water for the skin

Spring water is rich in minerals, of course, but is above all a good way to hydrate your skin. Cellular aging can be delayed by good hydration and a regular intake of mineral salts, in particular zinc and selenium, which act as antioxidants. Adding a teaspoon of olive oil to a glass of spring water further enhances its moisturizing effects. For athletes, sweating will accelerate the elimination of toxins harmful to the beauty of the skin. Drinking well helps you sweat and stay hydrated after exercise.