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Lemon detox cure:is it really a good idea?

Lemon:the superstar of detox drinks

The lemon detox today, like yesterday, many followers. We all know lemon as an ultra-vitamin fruit, rich in minerals and antioxidants. But lemon is also an essential slimming ally that finds its place in many fat-burning drinks. It promotes digestion by stimulating the production of bile and purifies the liver. Gastric reflux problems and even nausea can be relieved with a lemon detox drink.

It seems paradoxical, but lemon, thanks to its high potassium content, fights citric acidity in the stomach. Also, it removes toxins. It is therefore only natural that most detox drinks contain lemon, especially when the goal is weight loss. Also made up of pectin, a fiber that prolongs the feeling of satiety, lemon detox juice is an appetite suppressant. This beverage will give you energy to attack the day, not to mention its effects for the skin, nails and hair.

Lemon detox cure:how to prepare it?

The lemon detox is part of a healthy low-calorie diet that contributes to the good digestion of food and eliminates excess fat. The lemon diet consists of integrating lemon daily into all meals of the day, including in detox drinks which aim to eliminate toxins in the body. In order to optimize the effects of lemon, this diet recommends consuming 4 glasses of lemonade, including two glasses of a lemon detox drink. in 24 hours, for 15 to 21 days. Here are the steps for preparation:

  1. Take half a lemon and boil it in half a liter of water.
  2. Mash the lemon with a potato masher or a fork to extract all the juice, then strain the water. Once cooled, put this lemon water in a bottle.
  3. This lemon detox drink should be drunk throughout the day. You can add two mint leaves and a few slices of cucumber to enhance the fat-burning effect.

For even more effect, you can use a whole lemon instead of half a lemon without increasing the volume of water. This trick is useful during a cure to treat a chronic digestion problem, or to overcome overweight. Be careful, however, not to prolong the lemon detox cure beyond 21 days.

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