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Following your grandchildren on Facebook:good or bad idea?

Following your grandchildren on Facebook:good or bad idea?

Social networks have changed the habits of seniors with screens. Thanks to them, we can communicate but also share photos and videos with our loved ones. But not only… Social networks expose our lives and those of our grandchildren. Should their use be encouraged? Is it good to follow your grandchildren on Facebook? Here are some answers.

What is Facebook?

You probably know this, but here are a few reminders:Facebook is a social network with nearly 40 million users. It was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and some of his classmates from the prestigious Harvard University. On Facebook, it is possible to indicate a lot of information such as your name, address, age and interests. In addition, it is also possible to indicate what we are doing in real time, on our news feed or thanks to stories, short videos available for a limited time. On Facebook, you can post photos, videos or web pages that you find interesting. The tool is powerful, it has changed our daily lives. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter have many advantages but also some limitations, especially for younger generations.

Children and Facebook

Many children want a Facebook account. This desire is carried by the fact that their parents, and sometimes their friends, have one. First of all, it is good to remember an important point:to create a profile on social networks, you must be at least 13 years old. Before, it is difficult for a child to make sense of things and especially to understand the risks associated with social networks. In the early stages, you have to accompany your child or grandchild. Many experts believe that before the age of 15, a child cannot be independent on social networks and more generally on the Internet.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Facebook account for children

The risks associated with social networks

As we have already mentioned, Facebook poses risks for children. As in real life, they can have bad encounters there, be victims of harassment, be in contact with unsuitable ideologies or even pornographic content. In addition to these risks, children can suffer from social media addiction. This state cuts them off from the real world. It is not uncommon for a teenager to prefer spending time on Facebook rather than with friends or family. To reduce the risks, it is necessary to:

  • raise children's awareness of the risks associated with social networks,
  • limit access to Facebook,
  • monitor isolation and changes in behavior.

Children should not be banned from social media. Digital is part of their life! On the other hand, it is important that they are able to identify risks and communicate when they feel in danger.

The strengths of Facebook

Facebook is associated with many disadvantages but just as many advantages! Having a Facebook account is a bit like entering adulthood. Teenagers enjoy a form of autonomy and freedom. Facebook allows them to be in contact with their comrades, to keep informed of the news whether artistic, political or sporting. You can follow your idols, favorite brands and more.

Facebook is also a link with the family, especially when it is far away. The periods of confinement have proven that social networks are essential. For grandparents, the social network is a real opportunity. They can follow the life of the grandchildren and watch them grow. They can even communicate with them.

Should you follow your grandchildren on Facebook?

Following your grandkids on Facebook is not a bad idea. Of course, you have to wait until they are of the required age! Avoid following them if they create an account before they are 13 years old. If so, they lied about their age to register.

If your grandchildren are of the required age, you can communicate with them. On the other hand, avoid commenting on all the publications. They might be embarrassed! Prefer the "Like" and use private messaging to communicate.

Publish photos of your grandchildren:is it possible?

Nothing prevents you from posting photos of your grandchildren on your profile. But beware ! This practice is not without danger. You have to have the permission of the parents and even the grandchildren if they are old enough to understand what is happening. In France, the law provides that "any person who disseminates or publishes images of a third party without their consent incurs a one-year prison sentence or a fine of 45,000 euros". Of course, photos should not be embarrassing or compromising. There are many sexual predators!