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The Saintpaulia, a very easy-care indoor plant

The Saintpaulia, a very easy-care indoor plant

The Saintpaulia is a houseplant that consists of very pretty flowers. Throughout the year, it offers a wonderful range of colors. Native to Africa, it is very easy to maintain. Want to take advantage of this easy-going plant? Maintenance, watering, specificities, diseases, repotting, here is everything you need to know about the Saintpaulia.

Portrait of Saint Paulia

Saintpaulia is a houseplant native to Africa that belongs to the botanical genus Gesneriaceae. The one that is also called African violet or Cape violet can measure between 20 and 30 cm in height. Its foliage is evergreen and the plant can flower throughout the year provided it is well maintained! Saintpaulia is known by the botanical name Saintpaulia ionantha . The houseplant was discovered by Baron Walter von Saint Paul-Illaire in Tanzania.

Here are some of the most common Saintpaulia cultivars:

  • Saintpaulia 'Colorado' which has red flowers;
  • Saintpaulia 'Fancy trail' which has double pink flowers;
  • Saintpaulia 'Fancy pants' which has red flowers;
  • Saintpaulia 'Ice maiden' which has white and purple flowers;
  • Saintpaulia 'Pip squeek' which has bell-shaped pink flowers.

How to take care of a Saintpaulia?

Exposure and temperature

As we have already specified, the Saintpaulia is an easy plant to live with but also easy to maintain. He appreciates spaces where the light is reduced. Choose semi-shaded places. If you install a Saintpaulia in the light, you will see small burns appear. In summer, it is imperative that the plant is in the shade and in winter, you can place it in a brighter place but avoid direct light.

Although it comes from the tropical forests of Africa, the Saintpaulia appreciates mild temperatures. The indoor plant should be in a heated environment between 15 and 22°C all year round. Vigilance is therefore essential in winter!


To water your Saintpaulia, you must use soft water. Be aware that hard water is harmful to the plant. In addition, it is also advisable to use water at room temperature. The so-called African violet does not like cold water. The watering is done at the level of the soil and therefore of the stem of the plant. Leaves should not be watered. The watering frequency is once a week. Water should never stagnate. Be sure to empty the cups. It is also a good idea to place clay pebbles under the pot to reduce humidity.

How to grow Saintpaulia?

First of all, you should know that a Saintpaulia likes to be cramped in its pot. Also, it is important not to rush to repot this flower so that it develops. For the Saintpaulia to flourish, it needs a soil mixture made up of 2/3 leaf mold and 1/3 heather soil. It is also possible to bet on a compost for flowers, quite simply. Repotting should be done every 2 to 3 years in the spring.

Here's how to repot the Saintpaulia.

  • Move to a cool room where the temperature is below 16°C. This freshness will facilitate the recovery of the plant.
  • Make sure the new pot is drilled and slightly larger than the previous one. Remember that the roots of Saintpaulia do not like excess water.
  • In the bottom of the pot, place clay pebbles or gravel and then top up with quality potting soil.
  • Water your plant and put it back in its spot.

The diseases of Saintpaulia

Like all indoor plants, the Saintpaulia can be affected by diseases. Here are the ones we encounter frequently.

The red spider

The red spider mite is a mite that likes dry plants and kills plants gradually. To prevent this disease, it is simply necessary to moisten the plant. It is possible to spray mineral oil on the leaves and the areas inhabited by the spiders. On the other hand, it is not recommended to use insecticide.

The cochineal

The cochineal is a parasite that rages throughout the year. It thrives in humid and warm places. She is particularly happy in a Saintpaulia. Dangerous for the plant, the cochineal can be treated with a cloth soaked in alcohol at 90°C or beer.


Like the spider mite, aphids are harmful. They transmit diseases to plants. To treat them, it is necessary to put vegetable or mineral oil. Attention ! If you use commercial products, you must bet on 100% natural formulas.

Powdery mildew

A plant affected by powdery mildew changes color to become greyish. Leaves may puncture. To cure this disease, it is possible to use baking soda and black soap. You can also use lukewarm milk.

Treating minor sores in a Saintpaulia

The Saintpaulia is robust but your plant may not be in good shape.

  • If the leaves lose their vibrancy and turn pale, your plant is not getting enough nutrients. All you need to do is add fertilizer to the potting soil.
  • If the leaves are getting smaller and smaller, and your plant isn't growing as well, it's time to repot it.
  • If you notice that there are traces of mold on your plant, it is because there is excess water. Make sure the water is well filtered and does not stagnate. Add clay pebbles if needed.

If you have any questions about your Saintpaulia, then don't hesitate to visit a garden center for advice!