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Rejuvenating Your Vagina:Why "Vaginal Lifting" Is a Bad Idea?

Decidedly, our vagina is the center of all attention recently. Between the "vaginal sauna" (acclaimed by Gwyneth Paltrow), glitter or the yogurt to go inside, we thought we had seen it all. Surprise, we didn't see everything. And when it comes to appearance , apparently, creativity has no limits. If you can call it "creativity". Lately, the look and smell of our vulvas has been expensive. And it doesn't seem to be going well. And we can thank the influencer Maeva Ghennam , who, during a video in which she stages herself alongside her "favorite" surgeon , encourages young girls to change the appearance of their vagina . "There, what I did is too good. I made machines at my vagina. I did radiofrequency and mesotherapy without injection. It rejuvenates the vagina, it's so good! », she exclaims. It feels like I was 12 » .

A vagina is a vagina

And if this comment is shocking , she's, unfortunately, not the only one capitalizing on the vulva-shaming market. The trend ? Offer to your kitty a facelift or “stretching” . And to believe the statistics, she did not invent anything. In 2017, the International Society for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery showed a 23% increase of people having had vaginal rejuvenation, compared to 2016. A perplexing figure that demonstrates the injunction on the female gender. But the fact that this practice is acclaimed by a public figure, followed by more than 3 million people , is very dangerous. Indeed, it's a safe bet that after watching this short video in which the 25-year-old young woman praises the merits of a "younger" vagina , many young girls look in the mirror and wonder if their vulva is normal. “Very serious. A 12-year-old's vulva should never be a beauty repository . Moreover, a vulva with protruding lips is not ugly, nor beautiful, it is a vulva. That's all" , writes the account on Instagram. "You don't need to shorten your lips like you don't need intimate wipes that destroy your flora, like you don't need to wax, like you don't need to look like a child (…). Our complexes enrich those who create them . It's time for this to stop", concludes the account.

The dangers of vaginal rejuvenation

But then, what are the operations what can you do to your vagina? There are several, the best known of which is vaginoplasty which consists of tightening the vagina and strengthen the muscles of the perineum. It is therefore generally recommended after pregnancy. If you want to shrink your labia and/or vulva, you will need a labiaplasty . If you want to change the appearance of your lips, you can have fat or hyaluronic acid injected. . Except."Rejuvenate your vagina" is not without consequences. No offense to Maeva Ghennam who boasts of not having had recourse to surgery but to radiofrequency and mesotherapy. Indeed, the FDA (food and drug administration) warned of the dangers such practices:“These procedures use lasers and other energy-based devices to destroy or reshape vaginal tissues. These products pose serious risks and do not have sufficient evidence to justify their use for these purposes. We are deeply concerned

Clearly, after having spent very large sums, those who have performed an intervention to lift the genitals will see themselves in convalescence for about ten days and not without difficulty. They will face pain post-operative, risk of infection or a strict ban on sexual relations. the International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, warns of the risks associated with the operation which "include infections, bleeding , numbness, pain during intercourse, loss of sensation and the formation of scars”. Discouraging, right?

Conclusion:the vagina or vulva lift, we forget and we learn to accept your kitty because it is a genital organ and not a beauty accessory.