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Cactus water:here is the new anti-stress drink (and anti-hangover!)

You've never heard of cactus water ? Well it will soon be done. Indeed, since this somewhat surprising drink was popularized thanks to Vanessa Hudgens who teamed up with actor Olivier Trevena to launch their Cactus water brand , Caliwater , we swear by it. And according to Grand View Research , this little cactus water market is quite fruitful. It reportedly grossed $16.72 million in 2019, as reported by the media Bustle . A market that should grow by 20.4% per year until 2027. It is therefore almost impossible for you to miss it by then.

The benefits of cactus water

Cactus water, from the belly of prickly pear cacti which contain betalains which have anti-inflammatory properties . Cactus water also has antioxidant properties . This helps to manage stress. It is also rich in vitamin C , calcium, potassium and magnesium . It is therefore a shot of hydration and nutritional intake. But that's not all ! And it will certainly interest you. Cactus Water would help fight his… hangover. And that, we say yes. In addition, it could reduce the risk of ulcers .

In short, cactus water seems to have it all. But there is still a downside . According to the Lung Health Institute , there would be undesirable effects, namely headaches , gastric disorders or a laxative effect. In addition, it can be responsible for hypoglycemia and can alter the effects of certain medications . So, we advise you to test once before you start drinking a whole bottle in one go.