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What is sound healing, sound therapy for relaxation?

You like to relax while listening to music ? It's timely, we have a new therapeutic method to present to you that is gaining more and more followers:sound therapy , or sound healing . If this phenomenon can intrigue, its virtues have been well proven. To cure ailments of the heart, or of the body s, this Tibetan bowl therapy relaxes as much (see more) than a massage in an institute. We give you all the secrets of this relaxation method. Spoiler:you will love testing!

What is sound therapy?

It is well known music softens morals and sound therapy has understood this. Developed more than 8,000 years ago in Nepal, its principle is rather simple:play on sounds, in particular sound vibrations, to benefit your body and mind . To do this, certified professionals use very specific therapeutic sounds in groups such as harmonic singing, the gong or even the tuning fork. These sounds are perceptible by hearing, but not only. From the vibrations emanates a sound that the ear does not perceive, but which diffuses and is felt throughout the body. "It has been scientifically proven that sound travels to the bone. These are microvibrations, but which are noticeable and measurable in the skin itself has vibrational sensitivity as well as the muscles “, explains Galya Orteg, therapist and author of a book to be published in January 2022, La sonothérapie, by Editions Eyrolles.

So how does it work ? Well, the answer lies in your body! You may not have known it, but you are made up of 80% water and that is very good for passing the vibrations; these act on our cells, our meridians but also our energy channels.

What is it used for?

The results prove it! "The cells are soothed, the energy circulation fluidized and we find ourselves in a state of meditative balance reports Paris Match. Sound healing can be practiced out of a simple desire to discover this practice, or to heal. As the name suggests, it is "sound healing". Clearly, it is a therapy relieving our body and our mind of certain pains. It relieves certain pathologies that traditional medicine has trouble curing. Among them, fibromyalgia , sleep disorders, stress or addiction . There are also benefits such as:reduction of pain in case of cancer , the relief of chronic fatigue syndrome and depression . After chemotherapy, many people use sound therapy. It helps to make the remnants of waves disappear from their body. Clearly, this treatment can be used on an ad hoc basis to relax, or on a recurring basis to heal.

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