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What is aloe vera used for?

What is aloe vera?

It is often confused with a cactus (the agave)! It has the same shape, with its small spines along its pointed leaves. It is a vegetable of the sun, which grows in arid environments. Beyond its appearance worthy of westerns, the magic ingredient is the sap (gel) present in its leaves. Thick and transparent, it is rich in vitamins and trace elements.

What is it used for?

In case of stress, to regulate our system and start on the right foot. To hydrate the skin, soothe or heal a sore (burn, wound, inflammation). For a 100% natural detox, we do a 3-month cure. We choose the gel version, which is thicker and made with “aloe vera pulp”. For it to be really effective, you have to consume a glass of it a day. It can be incorporated into our cocktails and dishes (cold or lukewarm, only).

Where is it found?

Stamped organic, at Naturalia, €14.99, on or on

Marion Gordien