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Can I drink alcohol with my antibiotics?

Is it really incompatible?

Not necessarily. But it is often thought that the liver, evacuating in priority the ingested alcohol, would deal less well with the elimination of the drug and, as a result, would minimize the effectiveness of the treatment. A belief that has yet to be proven. On the other hand, skipping a tablet because you have planned a drunken evening certainly makes the treatment less effective. The alcohol/antibiotic mixture is particularly inadvisable in the event of a history of liver or kidney disease or epilepsy.

What am I risking with one or two coupettes?

Frankly, not much. But antibiotics can cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, and high-dose alcohol… too. Therefore, chaining cocktails to taking antibiotics multiplies the risk of adverse effects, even amplifies them or accelerates their occurrence. Conclusion:to avoid a hangover, stay reasonable, ask your pharmacist for advice and read the instructions carefully before going out.

Thanks to Dr Catherine Huberman, general practitioner.