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Painful periods:6 natural tips to effectively relieve our periods!

Period pains are sometimes intense, and nothing seems to be able to calm them. These symptoms, which are called PMS (premenstrual syndrome), obviously vary from woman to woman. If for some the pain is "surmountable", others are hampered in their daily lives because of these persistent inconveniences. So before going through the "medicine" box , focus on the most effective natural tips to test!

Painful periods:what solutions to get rid of our premenstrual syndromes?

There are many natural solutions , but does it really work? Some seem more effective than others depending on the location of the pain:Yarrow against ovarian spasms, ginger against nausea, foods rich in magnesium to effectively fight against fatigue... But be careful! It is important to remember that if your pain is too severe, you absolutely must not hesitate to talk about it to a health professional, to talk about it to those around you or your employer in order to find measures to make your daily life easier. , and/or to take a medication adapted to your situation.

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