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Livia, the device to say goodbye to painful periods

If you are one of the women for whom the menstrual period is an ordeal, this little machine should interest you. We owe it to the ingenious inventors of the company iPulse Medical . Livia, that's her little name, was indeed designed to put our pain KO. And if we are to believe its designers, this device with iPod tunes and acid colors would be the perfect solution for our menstrual cramps. Say goodbye to whole wafers of medicine ingested between moans! It consists of a box and 2 flower-shaped rubber patches to be placed on the stomach, in painful places. These electrodes are designed to regularly send soothing pulses while stimulating the nerves, which would prevent the transmission of pain messages to your brain. We are always skeptical of an invention (especially as revolutionary as this one!), but Livia has been tested on 163 women who swear that it works perfectly! The box rechargeable by USB key (classy to do that at work… At least everyone knows not to bother us too much!) has an average autonomy of 15 hours and can only be switched on when it hurts. On paper, this device is almost too good to be true… In your teeth, Mother Nature!

Patience, patience

We will have to continue to take our troubles patiently for a few more months, since Livia will not be available for sale until October 2016. However, it is possible to pre-order it on the project site (
here ). The price remains very reasonable since you have to pay 75 euros to become the proud owner of this machine. An investment, of course, but if it really works and it prevents us from wanting to tear our stomachs off... it's a given!