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Yellow teeth:foods to avoid

What is the problem ? Some coloring foods and drinks leave a colored deposit on the enamel (the outer layer of the tooth). Indeed it is porous, permeable, allowing the coloring substances to be deposited there easily. The solution is regular scaling at the dentist. Other foods and drinks, because of their acidity, cause erosion of the enamel, which makes the dentin (the layer covered by the enamel) naturally yellow in color, more visible. Finally, the discoloration of the tooth can also be pathological (linked to certain behaviors during childhood, such as excessive consumption of fluoride).

Good to know:over time, the enamel naturally tends to thin, so the dentin becomes more visible.

Thus, certain foods, drinks or coloring and/or acid products should be limited, or even eliminated to preserve or regain the whiteness of our little quenottes.


Cause:coloring action and pie creation

Tobacco contains nicotine, which has a yellowish color that deposits on teeth over time. It also promotes the formation of tartar which gives the teeth a grayish tint. A yellow and gray smile? Hmm… no thanks.


Cause:coloring action linked to tannins

Especially black tea is to blame. Indeed, it contains tannins, substances which are deposited on the enamel and color it. So, we don't give up a Desperate Housewives-style cup of tea with friends, but we prefer light-colored teas.


Cause:coloring action linked to tannins

One of the worst foods that creates yellow stains on our precious teeth! If we can't do without it before starting our busy days, we cut it with a little milk. The clearer the coffee, the better!

Red wine

Cause:coloring action

This little pleasure has a coloring action on the teeth. But, consumed in moderation, it is rather good for your health and the line so we say yes, provided you rinse your mouth well once the meal or aperitif is over.


Cause:coloring action

Subtle mixture of red and yellow, it colors our teeth wonderfully! But not in white. It remains good for the health and is not to be banned from our diet, as with wine, we think of rinsing your mouth with water after the meal to avoid damage.

Cola sodas


The sworn enemy of the "bright" smile! No more moderation, cola sodas are to be avoided as much as possible (yes, even lights…). They are indeed very acidic, which promotes the erosion of the enamel... A glass of water instead?

Ice cream


Surprising? Not so much when you know that they are often made with chemicals, sweeteners and acids! An explosive cocktail!

Dark colored fruits and juices (blueberry, currant, beetroot, tomato, blackcurrant…)

Cause:coloring action and acidity

Of course, we love it, but our teeth only like it moderately! Red fruits contain acid which contributes to the erosion of the enamel. With these fruits, we avoid 5 per day. We rather think of the apple which, on the contrary, promotes the cleaning of the teeth.

Soy sauce

Cause:coloring action

This dark-colored sauce gives a lot of flavor to our dishes, but also stains the teeth in the long run.

Balsamic vinegar

Cause:coloring action and acidity

Just with its color and acidity, we understand why. Opt for lemon juice, better on all levels.

JOKER :White wine

Cause:color fixing effect

This one, it does not color. But it does not help at all, because it promotes the fixing of the color of the food eaten afterwards. In short, a coffee after your glass of white wine? No, no, no!