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3 back stretches to fight back pain

The different types of pain associated with back pain

Depending on where you suffer, the pain will not be the same and the way to relieve back pain will, therefore, be different. There are four types of pain located in the back. Low back pain is pain in the lower back. Back pain is pain in the middle of the back. In the case of neck pain, the pain is present in the neck and vertebrae. Finally, some pain is located in the middle of the back.

Adopt the right positions to avoid back pain

During your day, you put a lot of strain on your back. The latter undergoes permanent aggression linked to the bad positions adopted on a daily basis. When you sleep, the best position is the fetal position, because it respects the curves of the spine. If you do office work, make sure your screen is positioned on your axis and in front of your eyes. Your forearms should be positioned to rest on the desk. Your neck and neck should rest on the back of your seat.

Number 1 back stretch to fight back pain

To avoid back pain, it is sometimes necessary to strengthen your back. This first stretch of the back helps to tone the back muscles. To do this, you need to balance on one leg. Then, still on one leg, grab your other knee with your hands. Your feet should be flexed. Then lengthen your back while lowering your shoulders. Your shoulder blades should be flexed, your chest developed forward. Perform this stretch four times in a row, alternating between legs.

Back stretch number 2 to fight back pain

To release back-carrying tension, try this back stretch. Stand up. Your legs should be straight and apart. Let your arms and shoulders relax. Then bring your body forward. Remember to inhale and exhale during this exercise.

Back stretch number 3 to fight back pain

Here is a third back stretch to combat back pain. It strengthens the muscles, works your abs and softens your hips. Sit cross-legged then grab your feet with your hands. Straighten your back then lower your shoulders and lower your knees outward. Your shoulder blades should be tight.