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Moving, the best solution against back pain?

Man or woman, young or less young, low back pain (the scientific name for back pain) affects just about everyone, whether it is lumbago, a backache or sciatica. . As proof:in France, it is the second cause of consultation with the general practitioner and one sick leave in five is linked to it. And above all, this evil sometimes called "evil of the century" is associated with pain and a fear of relapse. For 7 out of 10 people, in order to treat back pain, whether recurrent or temporary, you have to rest. Except that it is not true:as the Health Insurance says, the best solution is movement! This is why it is launching an awareness campaign and an application.

Move to heal yourself

The “Back pain? Good treatment is movement” started on November 17 and will last until December 8, on television, on the net and by display (it will then be renewed every year for 3 years). But then, in case of back pain, what do we do? Talking to your doctor is always a good idea, but you can also consult the
dedicated sheet on the Ameli website or use the free Activ'Dos app (available on the
Play Store and the '
App Store), which gives exercises to perform, offers videos on good postures to adopt and quizzes to test our knowledge on the subject. Above all, we avoid standing still, because it is precisely the absence of activity that causes the muscles to relax and are no longer strong enough to support the spine. Clearly, it's a vicious circle:we don't move enough so we have back pain, and we think we'll heal by moving even less... which in reality reinforces low back pain. We therefore think of taking the stairs rather than using the elevator, walking as much as possible, cycling, swimming, gardening. I promise, it's not difficult!