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Help! I have pain in the middle of my back, what should I do?

First what is back pain?

Back pain is pain felt between the first and twelfth dorsal vertebrae, from the base of the neck to the waist. It is said to be "common" when it is benign, unlike lesional back pain which is more or less serious (tumor or fracture). Know that when common back pain is characterized by the association of thoracic and cervical signs, it is a particular form called interscapular pain. Could it be yours?

What are the most common causes of back pain?

Several factors can cause this back pain. The best known are:chronic joint disease and ankylosing spondylitis. But back pain can also be caused by:repetitive muscular efforts, prolonged and involuntary contractions of muscles caused by stress, shock blows, herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. Bad posture on a daily basis is also a cause of this back pain.

So what to do?

To prevent this disease, it is advisable to regularly vary your posture and ensure good back support on a daily basis. Avoid performing any effort that may cause muscle contracture. Sleep on your side, with a pillow between your knees. Be aware that the worst position in case of back pain is lying on your stomach. The application of heat in the form of baths or heat packs will help relax stiff and sore muscles. Sessions with the physiotherapist will also help to relax the muscles and calm the pain. If pain or tingling is felt in an arm or leg during or after treatment, urgent medical advice is required to find the cause.