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Get fit with this home circuit workout!

You don't necessarily have to leave the house for a good full-body workout. You can do this circuit training at home, with the same result as in a gym.

During a circuit workout, you go through a schedule where you perform full-body exercises at a rapid pace, with a maximum rest of 30 seconds between each set. With circuit training you train your strength and endurance. Perfect if you want to get fitter. In the November issue of Santé, you'll see a circuit workout that consists of 12 exercises and takes about 45 minutes. Here we show you the first five exercises:

1. Dumbbell squat

3x 15 reps. Rest for 30 seconds after each set.

Place your feet apart, a little more than shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell close to your chest. Lower your legs until your elbows touch your knees and your buttocks are level with your knees. Keep your head and chest up and your back straight. Stay in this position for a short while and push yourself up with your heels until the weight is back at your chest. Do this 15 times, rest and do 2 more sets.

›› Can it be a little heavier?

You can also use a balance board for this squat. Please note:this is more prone to injury.

2. Lungs

3x 15 reps. Rest for 30 seconds after each set.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step straight back about a meter with one leg. Bend your front leg bent knee until the straight knee of your back leg almost touches the floor. Press your body back up with your heel. Do 15 lunges and then switch legs.

›› Can it be a little heavier?

You can put your back leg on a gym ball to create instability.

3. Cardio

Try doing these exercises for 30 seconds straight. Without rest.

  • Jog and bring your heels to your bum.
  • Jumping jacks:jump straddle and back. Move your arms along.
  • Skip rope (with or without rope).
  • Pushups.
  • Burpees:jump to the ground, land
    into a plank and jump up again. When doing this, lift your feet off the floor and raise your arms in the air.
  • Mountain climbers:Stand on a plank and quickly pull your knees to your chest one at a time.

4. Shelf with buttock lift

3 x 12 reps per leg. Rest for 30 seconds after each set.

Stand in a plank. Slowly extend your right leg up and hold for a few seconds. Lower again slowly. Do the same with your other leg. Lift each leg up 12 times.

›› Can it be a little heavier?

Plank with your toes on a balance board.

5. Donkey kicks

3x 30 seconds per leg. Rest for 30 seconds after each set.

Get on your hands and knees and keep your back straight. Lift your right leg up at a 90 degree angle. Tighten your glutes and make small kicking movements. Hold this for 30 seconds. Do the same with your other leg.

›› Can it be a little heavier?

Wear ankle weights.