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Get in shape quickly:6 short workouts with great results

Do you want a toned body, but don't want to train for months? You'll be in shape in no time with these six short, but effective workouts.


What is it? TRX (total-body resistance exercise) is a workout that has come over from the US military. During your training you work with an elastic band that you attach to an anchor point, for example a
door. You do push-ups, squats and mountain climbers on that band.

How does it work? At TRX you use gravity and your own body weight. Your position determines how heavy an exercise is. You can find instructional videos on YouTube. To prevent injuries, it is important to pay close attention to your posture.

Investment? For forty euros you can buy a great TRX for home, with door hanger. At some gyms you can also get started with a TRX † With thirty minutes of training three times a week, you will quickly see results.

Effect? A strong core – so hello, tight stomach! Plus:because you use so many muscles at the same time, you burn a lot of calories.


What is it? The kettlebell was already used by Russian soldiers in the eighteenth century and is also now
popular. You can do different strength exercises with a kettlebell.

How does it work? Swing the kettlebell Raise from a low position, moving your legs and hips along. If you repeat all the exercises in rapid succession, you have a tough workout.

What do you need? A kettlebell So. When you start, pick one that weighs eight to twelve pounds, depending on your strength. Like this

Investment? About twenty euros for a kettlebell up to ten kilos. And a workout will take you about twenty minutes.

Effect? Training with a kettlebell promotes muscle strength, is good for your condition and you burn in thirty
minutes no less than four hundred calories. According to scientists, a kettlebell workout is one of the fastest methods to burn fat and build muscle.


What is it? During a Bodytec training you wear a corset with electrodes in it. This is how your muscles become
triggered by the electrical stimulation during your workout. In twenty minutes you do a spicy full-body workout, under the guidance of a personal trainer.

How does it work? The corset provides electronic stimuli. This way, important muscle groups and deeper
muscles intensively trained.

What do you need? A gym that offers Bodytec workouts.

Investment? A training costs about twenty euros. So pricey. Especially since you should do it twice a week for best results.

Effect? You burn fat, build a lot of muscle tissue in a short time and strengthen your skin. Research shows that after six weeks of Bodytec, women lost one and a half centimeters from their waist and hips and reduced the percentage of body fat by about four percent.

7 minute app

What is it? A HIIT workout with twelve tough exercises of thirty seconds each. Created by American scientists who discovered that a short, intense workout is just as effective as a
cardio hour at the gym.

How does it work? The app guides you through the workout. An exercise that raises your heart rate (jumping jacks) is followed by an exercise that calms your heart rate (wall sit).

What do you need? A smartphone with Apple Store or Google Play to download the app. A good example is Wahoo's '7 minute workout'.

Investment? Free! And it only takes you seven minutes a day.

Effect? If you do the 7-minute workout several times a week or every day, you will quickly build up your fitness, boost the calorie burn, develop your muscle mass and train your explosiveness.


What is it? Hula hoops , just like before.

How does it work? Grab the hula hoop, press it against your torso at waist level on one side and give it a swing. It's up to you to 'keep it high' for as long as possible. You do this by moving your waist from back to front from your hips. Quite a challenge for your abs.

What do you need? A fitness hoop , for example this

Investment? About fifteen to thirty euros, often including an instructional video. Exercise for twenty to thirty minutes about three times a week.

Effect? Ten minutes of hula hooping burns a hundred calories. In doing so, you put your whole body to work:your back, abs, arms and legs have to work hard to keep the hula hoop from falling to the floor. Good for your waist.


What is it? The famous martial art.

How does it work? After a solid warm-up (jumping rope, push-ups, squats) you make boxing movements that quickly raise your heart rate. Because you train all your muscles intensively and you have a high heart rate, you do both cardio and strength training.

What do you need? You can take classes in a gym, but you can also train at home. Search YouTube for "boxing workout" and you're good to go.

Investment? For about fifty euros you have a great punching bag † Like this , for thirty euros, including ceiling hook.

Effect? With a boxing session of 45 minutes you burn no less than five hundred to seven hundred calories.
Boxing ensures tighter muscles, beautiful arms, a slim waist and a lot of stamina.

Photo:Getty Images Source:Santé archive, text:Marlies Hanse (thanks to personal trainer Bas van Kalken,