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5 simple tricks to wake up your brain

Thanks to simple exercises and experiments, it is possible, and above all very easy, to maintain a dynamic and healthy brain! Overall, it is about appealing to all of our senses and getting out of our comfort zone a little bit. So, hop, let's get motivated! And to help you here are 5 tips for neurons at the top of the top!

1 / Stimulate the taste cortex

What if we tried unusual culinary experiences, tasting dishes that we would never have considered? For example:a Turkish restaurant for a change? And we can go further! Eating in complete darkness, for example, to test our taste senses and put our palate in danger. Come on, it can't hurt!

2/ Be pragmatic

At work, the key word is:organization! To put order in our neurons, we must force ourselves to be methodical and orderly! This is valid in the office but also in our daily lives. If we prioritize our ideas and proceed step by step, our brain will register the information more easily. Clearly, the idea is not to disperse so that the brain can sort out the essential from the superficial.

3/ Culture

The brain is able to make new dendrites (=neurological cells) and synapses (=contact area between two neurons) throughout our lives. A simple trick to give him a hand? Stimulate it permanently by launching intellectual challenges! Well, it's not about devouring an encyclopedia in 48 hours either, but just being curious! Read a book from time to time, get informed, travel (if you have the means), start drawing or go on a museum trip with friends... Everything is good as long as you open your mind!

4/ Keep calm

The stress hormone, called cortisol, is the enemy par excellence of the brain! And such a negative influence on our neurons impacts memory in particular. And for good reason, have you ever felt an inability to think rationally in a stressful situation? Indeed, to be able to function properly, our brain must be able to receive the information transmitted to it. You will have understood it, exit the anxieties and the depression! We take a deep breath and find the (good) solutions.

5/ Eat healthy and drink water

Eh yes ! We can never repeat it enough:it is recommended to consume at least one and a half liters of water a day! And many of us do not drink enough while dehydration is synonymous with mental confusion and problems concentrating. In addition, pay attention to our consumption of saturated fats. The brain needs essential fatty acids found in fish such as mackerel, sardines or salmon. Finally, distrust of glucose:while it is true that the brain draws its energy from the glucose that our body produces from carbohydrates, not all are created equal. Clearly, there is good and bad sugar! And we notice it by a simple test taken from everyday life:indeed, after eating, we often notice a loss of attention at the office. This would be due to the drop in sugar levels in our blood consumed during the lunch break.

So, ready for a healthy brain?