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Mental muscle pain

We all know the feeling of muscle pain. After hard sports, not exercising for a while or new exercises, muscle pain is most present. Actually, there is also a 'mental muscle pain' and that can affect your sports performance.

New stuff Mental muscle pain is the resistance you experience to new things or changes. When you take new paths, you sometimes get a (slightly) uneasy feeling. While you often know that if you go for it it will be all right.

I can't
During exercise, that feeling can prevent you from getting the best out of yourself. No idea what we mean by mental muscle pain/resistance during exercise? It's the little voice in your head that says with every new, scary or heavy exercise:'I can't do it, I'll never succeed, it's scary…'

Down with resistance
It's easier said than done, but try to let go of those negative thoughts. What does it really matter if you fly out of the corner once? You will see that when you take the pressure off you unexpectedly go further than you expected.