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Muscle Pain Facts

Did you know this about muscle pain?

1. There are two types of muscle pain
There are two types of muscle pain:muscle pain that you feel during or immediately after exercise. This is caused by acidification in the muscles; lactic acid builds up in the muscles. In addition, you have delayed muscle pain, which is the pain you feel the next morning when you get up (sometimes even later). This is caused by small tears in your muscles.

2. Protein can help your muscles recover
So you don't get more muscle by eating enough protein, but it does help to recover your muscles.

3. Do not exercise too intensively if you have muscle pain
A little exercise if you have muscle pain is good. It is good for your blood circulation and to keep your muscles warm. Full exercise is less sensible:muscle pain is caused by small tears in your muscles and you don't want to make that worse before it has recovered.

4. Muscle pain during the flu is easy to explain
When you are or become ill, your immune system is put to work hard. White blood cells send signals (interleukins) throughout the body to warn other white blood cells. These substances can build up in the muscles and that causes muscle pain. When exercising, muscle pain is caused by accumulation of lactic acid, when you are sick, it is accumulation of other substances.

5. 52 percent of people like a little muscle soreness
Do you belong to this group?

Did you know… Ginger would work as a painkiller against muscle pain.