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Colon detox:these home remedies to cleanse your intestines naturally!

Colon detox:why do it?

A colon detox consists of purifying the digestive tract. It should be done periodically. The colon is the part where food waste is stored. Its role is to absorb the last nutrients essential to the body in this waste before its elimination. However, sometimes the colon fails to eject them completely. As a result, waste accumulates there, degrades, and causes colon dysfunction that is characterized by its inability to absorb nutrients. This is why the detox must be done periodically.

Colon detox:the benefits and side effects!

Colon detox brings many benefits to the body.

  • It helps fight bloating, constipation and various digestive disorders.
  • Similarly, it boosts energy and acts against nausea and migraine.
  • At the end of this treatment, the skin becomes more elastic and softer , since the body has got rid of accumulated waste and toxins.
  • After the detox, the subject also looks better, because digestion is improved.

However, doing a colon detox can have side effects such as a risk of dehydration and gastrointestinal disorders. Therefore, regardless of the type of detox chosen, you must drink plenty of water and respect the duration of the treatment to avoid any complications. Also be aware that colon detox is contraindicated in case of:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Crohn's disease
  • Pregnancy
  • Polyps
  • Cancerous pathologies.

Colon:how to detox it naturally?

To cleanse the colon, there is no need to follow a particular treatment. It is enough to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to resort to natural methods. For this, six golden rules must be respected:

  • Eat as healthy as possible;
  • Favor foods that are beneficial for the colon (fruits, vegetables, oily fish, hazelnuts, etc.);
  • Avoid eating too sweet, too fatty or too salty;
  • Limit the consumption of red meats, alcohol, tobacco and spices;
  • Exercise regularly;
  • Take probiotics or dietary supplements with positive effects on the colon.

Also read:

– Heartburn:9 natural remedies to effectively fight against acidity!

– Vegetarians have a lower risk of colon cancer