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Help, I have sensitive and loose teeth!

What's the problem?

Bad breath, bleeding gums, sensitive or loose teeth...

microbes are responsible

. They settle in our mouth via dental plaque, cause irritation of the gums, create pits and produce substances that lead to the deterioration of the bone. Until the teeth eventually come off and fall out! The genetics that were once questioned have nothing to do with it.

The revolutionary approach.

The Bonner method, created 30 years ago by the Canadian dentist of the same name, changes everything. “Today, 98% of patients are cured with this method,” explains Dr. Nefissa Berkani, who has been practicing this technique for several years in France.

What does it consist of?

The technique involves in-office care, examination of our oral flora under a microscope, and treatments. The patient must also participate. No more brushing in 3 minutes flat. You have to be rigorous, you have to learn a new brushing technique that will eliminate germs, floss and then apply specific products, all twice a day. This new “ritual” takes more like 10 minutes. It's restrictive, but effective.

How much does it cost.

Depending on the infection (from simple gingivitis to loose teeth) the treatment lasts from 6 months to 1 year. We see the practitioner on average once a month, and the price varies from 900 to 4,000 € not covered by Social Security and only a few mutuals reimburse in part.

Where to find a practitioner?

You can go to and send an e-mail to find a practitioner near you or search on Google “Bonner method” + our city.

Thanks to Dr Berkani who treats with this method in Paris

Photo by Stephan Valentin on Unsplash