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Are electric scooters really suitable for seniors?

Are electric scooters really suitable for seniors?

They are multiplying on our roads, cycle paths... and too often sidewalks, helped by the implementation of self-service rental systems in many cities. Electric scooters have imposed themselves overnight in the urban landscape, and it is true that these seem to represent a perfect solution to the imperatives of mobility in an urban environment, due to their lightness and maneuverability. If you're thinking of trying them out, whether they're self-service models or private devices, here's some information to get you started.

The advantages of electric scooters

The features of electric scooters make them the vehicle of choice for the dynamic young professional. It is indeed the ideal tool for covering distances that are neither too long nor too short. In a city on a human scale, this makes it easy to commute. But these characteristics also make it a perfect tool for older people. This makes it possible to multiply the journeys without running out of steam, and without bothering with a polluting and cumbersome motor vehicle. The scooters reach 25 km / h, a speed that is more than enough in town (and which is even scary as we discuss below). At an age when it is easy to tire, these machines allow you to maintain mobility at all times. You are now equipped to keep up with the youngest, and in particular the grandchildren. Indeed, this makes it an ideal tool for outings, to accompany the little ones who are exhausted on a bike, for example. No more excuses to stay napping on the sofa after Sunday dinner:accompany the young people for a trip to town, comfortably perched on your scooter. At this speed, they will even be the ones behind!

This is the only criticism we can address to these devices. Presented as active mobility tools, electric scooters nevertheless have the disadvantage of making us somewhat lazy:a race to do at the last moment? a trip to the bakery? Or a little behind on your schedule? Hop, a kick of the scooter, and you've arrived at your destination. It's quick and convenient, and that's what they're used for. Except that all these small movements have the advantage of getting us moving, of maintaining our muscles and joints, which really need it at a certain age. Here is the main drawback of these devices. On the other hand, their use in itself does not seem particularly prone to accidents. No need to fear for his femoral neck!

The bad press of electric scooters

Most accidents caused by electric scooters are indeed due to unsafe use. Because if there is no permit granting the right to travel on one of these devices, certain rules must be respected in order not to represent a danger for others and oneself and to expose themselves to fines - such as finally on a bike. The Highway Code grants full status to EDPMs, Personal Motorized Transport Vehicles, of which electric scooters are a part, and therefore regulates their use - even though many users show a certain complacency with respect to this regulation. But if the police can also show more leniency towards these offenders than towards motorists, these are indeed risk factors. Thus, riding two on one of these devices is prohibited, as is of course use under the influence of alcohol or illicit substances, the use of a mobile phone or even traffic on the sidewalk. In short, nothing very surprising here:if you ride a bike, you already know (or should know) these rules.

On the other hand, when used in the way for which they were designed, and by people in full possession of their means, electric scooters do not represent a greater danger than any other EPDM. It is also their unscrupulous users who have given bad press to electric scooters, these being accused of representing a danger to other users of the city by invading the sidewalks - where they have however, like us, the we said no right of citizenship! So you could say that there are no bad electric scooters, only bad users.

Equip yourself properly

Finally, as with any means of transport, it is not because the scooter is rather safe that an accident cannot happen. Again, no need to panic and confine it to the closet for fear of being a victim. Because the only way to avoid accidents is still to stay at home screwed to your sofa and your crossword puzzles. Rather than attacking the electric scooter, it is better to anticipate this eventuality and equip yourself with appropriate protection. Wearing a helmet is also strongly recommended by road safety, and you can also bring additional protection if you feel the need - elbow or knee pads for example. And since danger on the road generally comes from others, it is important to report yourself to other road users. On this subject, compulsory equipment is also again specified by road safety. This includes position lights, retro-reflective devices, braking system and horn. Visible from afar and in all forms of bad weather, by respecting the highway code, you will not be more exposed to accidents on a scooter than on a bicycle or car.

A machine like any other

The electric scooter is therefore, as you can see, hardly more dangerous than any other means of urban transport. It is ultimately only their sudden irruption in our cities and the inconsiderate use of certain users that have made them a scarecrow. Whether it's a passing fad or a vehicle set to become established in the urban landscape like the timeless bicycles, we won't know until later, but don't let this bad press scare you:no need to be a daredevil to ride an electric scooter.

The scooters are also restrained (or at least must be so according to the regulations in force), precisely in order to limit the damage in the event of an accident - which it is true, are not to be minimized:it is certainly already possible to get hurt by falling at 20km, even more when you are old and therefore more fragile. However, this is also the case on a bicycle. Only your physical condition should therefore influence your decision, but once again the scooter does not represent an additional danger in itself. And if you still have any doubts, do not hesitate to ask a health professional:they will be able to determine whether use is not recommended for you due to any medical conditions or your physical condition. You should also know that there are models adapted for people with reduced mobility. And for everyone else, all you have to do is equip yourself appropriately, and roll… old age!