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Aquagym:what is it? What are the benefits for seniors?

Aquagym:what is it? What are the benefits for seniors?

Aquagym, a gymnastics practiced in water which facilitates the practice of movements sometimes made difficult with advancing age, is a gentle and complete sport very well suited to seniors. This physical activity has the advantage of doing good for both the body and the morale. So don't hesitate to take the plunge!

Aquagym, a gentle sport for all ages

Aquagym refers to gymnastics that is practiced in water, most often in a swimming pool, even if those who are lucky enough to live not far from the coast can also practice this gentle sport in the sea, a practice that is increasingly more common today.

Like all so-called "soft" sports, in the same way as walking, cycling, yoga, etc., aquagym is particularly recommended for seniors. It is indeed a physical activity that allows you to keep in shape, and therefore helps to delay the effects of aging, and which has very little risk of injury.

On the other hand, aquagym is accessible to a wide audience, whatever their age and their sporting level because few contradictions prevent them from indulging in this physical activity. It is also not necessary to know how to swim because aquagym is practiced in shallow and heated water, in principle at least at 28 degrees. In addition, no specific material or equipment is necessary to practice aquagym, a swimsuit and a swimming cap are enough!

Practiced in water, aquagym has the advantage of facilitating movement because you feel lighter and allow you not to have to force too much and to solicit more than necessary your muscles and joints in particular. In fact, when immersed, the body represents only 70% of its weight, which helps overweight people in particular, or even those who suffer from joint problems or a loss of autonomy, to achieve the gestures practiced by this gentle gymnastics, cushioning them.

The physical activity caused by an aquagym course is no less effective. If the water facilitates the movements, the latter retain the same effectiveness as if they were carried out out of the water. All the muscles and all the joints of the body are indeed put to work but without having the impression of suffering too much. In this sense, aquagym is the ideal soft sport to recommend to seniors who no longer have any physical activity, who are afraid to resume one for fear of hurting themselves.

An aquagym session, led by a professional who begins the session with a warm-up, lasts between 30 and 45 minutes, which is equivalent to more than an hour of physical activity out of the water. ! The session also always ends with a pleasant relaxation time.

The results of this physical activity on the body are quickly visible in terms of firming, elimination of cellulite, etc. Ideally, 2 water aerobics sessions per week are recommended, but one class per week already shows benefits for your physical fitness in the long term.

Aquagym does not only refer to gymnastic movements performed in water. This sport is also available in several other types of aquatic physical activities:aquabike (pedaling on a stationary bike immersed in water which promotes blood circulation and strengthens all the muscles); aqua-fitness (physical exercise equipment immersed in water for more intense movements); aquarunning (running movements in water), or even aqua-step. Depending on their physical condition or desires, these variants of aquagym are also accessible to seniors.

Another advantage of aquagym:this gentle sport well suited to seniors can be practiced all year round in a swimming pool, unlike an exclusively outdoor physical activity subject to the vagaries of the weather. Some municipal or private swimming pools, or aquatic centers, even offer year-round aquagym lessons reserved for those over 60.

Finally, aquagym is a sport that is practiced in groups and to music in a friendly and enthusiastic atmosphere. A good way for seniors, and in particular those who suffer from isolation, to meet people and enjoy a friendly, dynamic atmosphere that is good for morale.

The benefits of water aerobics for seniors

Aquagym is therefore a sport that is aimed at seniors, among others, given the low risk of injury thanks to movements made easier by water.

It is also a physical activity that allows you to gently maintain your muscular strength which, as we know, decreases over time. Strengthening your muscles with aquagym helps to relieve back pain or rheumatism.

In the same way, with the practice of aquagym, seniors thus make their joints work, which helps to preserve them from aging. In fact, practicing this physical activity regularly helps prevent osteoporosis, a disease that decreases bone tissue and which affects people over 50, as well as the degradation of cartilage due to osteoarthritis.

Like all sports, the benefits of aquagym also lie in the fact that seniors develop their endurance, with positive effects on their heart rate and more generally on their breathing capacity. Thanks to the water massage, aquagym enthusiasts also promote their blood circulation and venous return, which avoids heavy legs, while toning their bodies.