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Product recall:here are the reblochons from supermarkets contaminated with brucellosis

A new health scandal is making noise. Consumer Reminder to publish a new list of products withdrawn from supermarket shelves. After cheeses contaminated with listeriosis, some Reblochons are withdrawn from sale . For good reason, a case of brucellosis on a cow, according to the site. Very rare disease in France, it remains very contagious for men. Marketed in several distributors , the government calls to destroy them , or get reimbursed in store. As the tartiflette season is officially launched, it is important to be vigilant .

Reblochon:what is brucellosis and what to do if you have consumed one of the recalled products?

Although rare, brucellosis remains a disease that must be treated. The government site Rappel Conso warns that the incubation is from one week to one month. Regarding the symptoms, they occur in the acute phase and are not specific. You may have a case of isolated fever or flu syndrome. With Covid, it is more important to pay attention to the slightest symptoms. "More rarely, testicular, neurological or joint damage is possible “, say the health authorities. If you have baked your cheese in the oven, thanks to the heat, you are less likely to be contaminated. However, if you have consumed any of the products, it is important to consult your doctor.

Reblochon:which ones are being recalled?

12 products affected by this recall have been listed on the official website Rappel Conso:

  • Reblochon de Savoie PDO 450 g Route of flavors, Intermarché – article code:3250390188193 (lots 311922, 311926, 311929, 311940)
  • MMM! Reblochon de Savoie PDO 450g Auchan Mmm! – article code:3596710462773 (lots 311920, 311927, 311933, 312012)
  • Reblochon de Savoie AOP with raw milk 450 g Patrimoine Gourmand – item code:3257985003435 (lots 311921, 311929, 311931, 311933, 311935, 312013, 312016)
  • Reblochon cheese tradition – item code:3252540951107 (lots 21038420, 21039074, 21039796, 21039886, 21040273, 21040630, 21041079, 21041860, 21042769)
  • Reblochon AOP "La Dent du Chat" – item code:3730329004508 (lots 311926, 311927, 311935, 312011, 312014)
  • Reblochon fruitier AOP 250 g Messengers of Flavors – (Products with a BBD between 26/10/2021 and 01/11/2021)
  • Monoprix raw milk Reblochon – article code:02000008 (lots 21038404, 21038616, 21039243, 21040066, 21040324, 21040470, 21040885, 21041842, 21041847, 21042223, 210421407)
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  • Reblochon de Savoie AOP 450g METRO CHEF – item code:3439495901436 (lots 311924, 311925, 311930, 311931, 311932, 311934, 311935, 312011, 312013, 312014, 312016, 312017, 3319281, 2)
  • Reblochon de Savoie AOP In the heart of our villages – item code:3389190100835 (lots 05240921, 05280921, 05011021, 05051021, 05151021, 05221021, 210249, 210250, 210253, 210259, 21039)
  • Reblochon cheese tradition – item code:3252540951107 (lots 21038420, 21039074, 21039796, 21039886, 21040273, 21040630, 21041079, 21041860, 21042769)
  • Fondant d’Arly Selection tartiflette (Lots 311921, 311922, 311923, 311924, 311925, 311926, 31192, 311931, 311932, 311933, 311934, 31193, 312011, 312013, 312016, 312017, 312017, 312017, 312017, 312017, 312017 , 312018 – Date of minimum durability between 05/11/2021 and 02/12/2021)
  • Reblochon de Savoie AOP 450 g – Petit Reblochon de Savoie AOP 240 g (Lots 311920, 311921, 311922, 311923, 311924, 311928, 311929, 311930, 311931, 311932, 311933, 311934, 311935, 311938,311939, 311940, 312013, 312012, 312013 , 312014, 312015, 312016, 312017, 312018, 312019, 312020 – Date of minimum durability between 13/11/2021 and 24/12/2021)