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Lose weight:here are the lowest calorie Kinder chocolates (to be consumed without moderation… or almost!)

They accompanied our tasters during our childhood, and became our indulgences as adults. If we are completely honest, we know that it is very difficult to refuse a Kinder when we are offered one. Some of us are part of the Kinder Bueno team, others of the Kinder maxis, or even the little Schokobons. No matter our favorites, they are always welcome at home. But as comforting as these chocolates are, they are also high in calories. And although we would like to be able to consume them without moderation, we will have to remove our hands from the package very quickly!

How many calories in Kinder?

Like all delicacies, Kinders are no exception to the calorie bomb rule. Fortunately, from one Kinder to another, its contribution may vary. As a result, if you crave sugar, we can favor one more than the other . To decipher those who want us the most harm, we must also take into accounttheir nutritional values . After analyzing these measurements, the one that appears to be the healthiest , it's Kinder Paradiso . We admit that we do not count it too much as a real Kinder, but it is "only" 425 kcal per 100 gr . It is followed by the Kinder Délice, then the Kinder Pingui (our favorite). On the contrary, the one that is only there to increase the pounds is the Kinder Happy Hippo Cocoa . With its 593 kcal per 100 gr, he has the first place on the podium. He is accompanied by his brother in a hazelnut version, and their friend the Kinder Choco Fresh. We would like to remember that as caloric as these sweets are, it is totally possible to have fun and include them in a healthy and varied diet.