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The recipe for Cyril Lignac's almond galette des rois! ("Thank you Cyril, she's delicious!")

In this month of January, it's impossible to miss the galette des rois, it's tradition! A real moment of conviviality that we offer ourselves at work, with family or friends, the spirit all exalted by the next appearance in the mouth of this almond flavor always quick to give us a culinary orgasm.

Cyril Lignac shares his recipe for the almond galette des Rois

To treat yourself to this gourmet pleasure, two solutions are available to us:queuing in the cold at our favorite bakery or rolling up your sleeves, putting on your most beautiful apron and making your own galette. How? 'Or' What ? By following the recipe for Cyril Lignac's Almond Galette des Rois to the letter ! And that's good, the favorite chef of the French gave it this Wednesday, January 6 in the show Tous en cuisine broadcast on M6. A gift that we gladly accepted, as did the thousands of fans of the chef from Rodez who warmly thanked him on his Facebook account:“Thank you Cyril, it is delicious! ”.

How to make Cyril Lignac's almond galette des Rois?


  • Preparation time:35 minutes
  • Cooking time:40 minutes
  • Recipe for 4 people

To make the almond galette des Rois, you will need:

For the puff pastry:
  • 2 rolls of puff pastry
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp. water
For the almond cream:
  • 100g ground almonds
  • 12g cornstarch or cream powder
  • 80g icing sugar
  • 20g almond milk
  • 80g butter at room temperature
  • 60g egg
For the syrup:
  • 100g of water
  • 100g of sugar

How to make Cyril Lignac's almond galette des Rois?

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. In a bowl, mix the icing sugar, ground almonds and cornstarch. In another bowl, mix the butter with this mixture of powders. Add the eggs little by little, finish with the almond milk. Set aside.
  3. Mix the egg, egg yolk and water. Book cool.
  4. Pour the sugar and water into a saucepan, bring to the boil and set aside.
  5. Cut out 2 circles of puff pastry 18 to 22 cm in diameter.
  6. On a baking sheet, place a sheet of silicone (or parchment paper), then a disc of puff pastry, spread the almond cream. Place the second disc of dough and seal the edges together. Chickle the sides of the galette with a small paring knife. With a brush, lightly brown the top with the egg mixture. Using the small knife, nicely scratch the pancake.
  7. Bake for 40 minutes. At the end of cooking, using your clean brush, spread a thin film of syrup. Leave to cool.

Why make your homemade galette des Rois?

Make your king cake yourself makes you want to, but you hesitate? For lack of time or motivation, you prefer to buy the galette des Rois in the supermarket? We understand you, but this is not the best solution! Indeed, the Galette des Rois large surface area often contains little ground almonds (the flagship ingredient of frangipane). The ingredients used for its composition are not always the best (palm oil, margarine, etc.). Make your homemade king cake , it is the guarantee of opting for a gourmet cake, with an excellent price/quality ratio and made up of products whose source is known. So many good reasons to get into the kitchen!