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Cyril Lignac's savory pancakes:the delicious potato and salmon recipe

Young and old love pancakes! This sweet cloud that we make as a family, makes us happy. We prepare them to our heart's content for afternoon tea or Sunday brunch, but also all the rest of the year as we love them. Only, if the ultra simple recipe is known to all, we sometimes want to innovate. And to show originality in the kitchen, we can trust chef Cyril Lignac. He also answered questions from Internet users at the microphone of RTL , for savory pancakes with potatoes and salmon, which we will not be able to do without!

The recipe for savory pancakes by Cyril Lignac

Who has never dreamed of a plaster of pancakes for the weekend ? Easy and delicious, they know how to lift our spirits in any season. And if the sweet version will always be our favorite, the chef has revealed a savory recipe, which we intend to try. Cyril Lignac proves to us once again that we need little to be happy. To make your savory pancakes , a few ingredients and little time are enough. So, off we go to the kitchen to make our next favorite recipe.

Preparing Cyril Lignac's savory pancakes

Ingredients for Cyril Lignac's savory pancakes:

  • 150g potatoes
  • two eggs
  • thick fresh cream
  • chives
  • 1 lemon
  • olive oil
  • Espelette pepper
  • sour cream
  • salmon or smoked trout

The preparation of Cyril Lignac's savory pancakes:

  1. Boil the potatoes in water for 12 minutes.
  2. Then mash them with a fork, "this makes the base of the dough", explains Cyril Lignac.
  3. Add two egg yolks to the potato pulp
  4. Beat the egg whites
  5. Mix everything (potatoes and whipped egg whites) and let stand for 15 minutes.
  6. In a small bowl, mix heavy cream, a little chives, olive oil, Espelette pepper and a little lemon juice.
  7. In a hot pan, pour grapeseed oil and make the pancakes.
  8. Once pancakes are ready and lukewarm, add sour cream, smoked salmon or trout
  9. Enjoy!