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Cyril Lignac's pound cake:the easy recipe for our favorite Breton cake

With the return of autumn, all the reasons are good to take a gourmet break and comforting! For that, we turn to the kitchen:hot chocolate, pumpkin spice latte, chocolate cake… We cheer up by preparing tasty snacks. Running out of ideas? This cake, which always causes a sensation and which we never get tired of, should please you. We are talking about four-quarters ! This Breton dessert takes its name from the four ingredients that make it up, in equal quantities and which therefore each represent a quarter. To make it, we follow the recipe of the favorite Chef of the French, Cyril Lignac . At the microphone of RTL, he reveals his four-quarters recipe flavored with vanilla and citrus zest. Super simple, you won't be able to live without it!

Recipe:how to make Cyril Lignac's pound cake?

Ingredients to make Cyril Lignac's pound cake:

  • 165 g of sugar
  • 165 g of flour
  • 165g butter
  • 3 whole eggs
  • a pinch of salt
  • lemon
  • vanilla

Cyril Lignac pound cake recipe:the preparation steps

  1. Mix the young eggs with sugar, beat them well to whiten them.
  2. Add the flour and melted butter.
  3. Add lemon zest and vanilla.
  4. Leave the dough aside.
  5. Wheel the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Beat them well and mix the two batters gently with a spatula.
  6. Pour everything into a buttered and floured cake tin.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.