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Slimming recipe:how to make a light galette des Rois?

The year is off to a good start, thanks to the Galette des Rois! This cake made of puff pastry and frangipane always makes our mouths water. We love it so much that we could eat it every day in January. However, it is not the dessert to favor when you pay attention to your line or that foods that are too high in fat should be avoided. Indeed, the galette des Rois is mainly composed of butter , it is then a real calorie bomb . Whether you want to do a post-holiday detox, a diet or if you simply watch what you eat each day, choose a light version of the galette des Rois , to treat you without thinking too much!

Losing weight:how many calories for a slice of galettes des Rois?

Between its buttery puff pastry and its almond cream, the galette des Rois alone represents a large part of our daily calorie intake! When made the traditional way, with frangipane (our favorite), it has no less than 500 calories per 100 g . Almost 2 chocolate rolls! Whether you like it or not, the apple galette des Rois , has 315 calories per serving . Finally, if you opt for the brioche des Rois , also known as the "Kingdom" (big up the South), it will take 200 calories per 100g and this, despite the candied fruits that compose it.

Our tips for making a lighter galette des Rois

Don't roll your eyes. Admittedly, the galette des Rois is a calorie bomb, but it is also a unique moment in the year, since it is not eaten every month. However, if the presence of all this butter really pushes you to refuse a slice, you can go behind the stove and make yourself a light galette des Rois . Indeed, like everything in the kitchen, it is possible to make a light version. You then celebrate the Epiphany with relish, without refusing an extra slice of galette!

How to make light puff pastry?

For a lighter galette des Rois , start with the puff pastry. You can opt for brick sheets instead of puff pastry. You can also lighten it by replacing two thirds of butter with fromage blanc or petit-suisses.

Light Galette des Rois:how to make a light frangipane?

On the side of the frangipane , it's the same thing. Start by replacing the butter with applesauce or whipped egg white. You'll get the texture, without the calories! You can also replace the white sugar with agave syrup or fruit.

How to make a light king cake?

Finally, in the galette des Rois, fruit can be your best ally! Decrease the amounts of ground almonds and add fruit, such as raspberries or applesauce. You will have a delicate mix, between frangipane and fruit, for a light dessert!

The recipe for the light galette des Rois

For the light puff pastry, you will need:

  • 350g flour,
  • 110 neutral-tasting oil (sunflower, peanut, etc.),
  • 80 g of apple juice,
  • an egg (optional),
  • 20 g of sugar.
  • You can replace the 8 tbsp of apple juice with 8 tbsp of water and 3 sugars.

For the garnish you will need:

  • 10 g of flour,
  • 40 to 50 g of sugar,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1/4l semi-skimmed milk,
  • 100 g ground almonds,
  • 1 tbsp. at s. of Kirsch (or 1.5 tbsp of Rum),
  • 2 or 3 apples,
  • a sachet of vanilla sugar,
  • 1 pretty bean.

Light Galette des Rois:the steps for preparing the puff pastry

  1. To prepare the dough, put all the ingredients in a bowl, a food processor or the kneader of a bread machine and mix until you obtain a homogeneous dough.

Steps for preparing the light King cake

  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Whip the eggs and sugar, when the mixture whitens, add the flour.
  3. Dissolve everything with the boiling milk, put the cream obtained on the fire, stirring briskly with a whisk until it boils (the cream should thicken).
  4. Remove from the heat, add the spoonful of Kirsch, the ground almonds and set aside.

Assembly of the Light Kings Cake

  1. Take 350g of the dough and roll it out to form a circle 30cm in diameter.
  2. Using a brush, put a little egg yolk 2 to 3 cm wide all around the dough.
  3. Spread the frangipane over the dough and place the bean.
  4. Peel the apples, cut them into slices and place them on the frangipane, sprinkle the whole thing with the contents of a sachet of vanilla sugar.
  5. Roll out the rest of the dough very thinly, cut out a 30cm circle and place it on the galette. Press with your fingers all around to make the edges stick well.
  6. Give small nicks all around with a knife. Incise the top of the dough with a cutter blade, making drawings. Glaze with the rest of the egg yolk.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes at 190°C, then let cool on a wire rack.