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Veganuary:what happens to our body when we suddenly stop eating meat

The month of January is the basis for many changes . A new year has started (for the moment, it is not top top), good resolutions are taken and some challenges challenge our "bad" habits . We knew very well the dry january which consists of completely stopping your consumption of alcohol . We knew less well the veganuary which consists of stopping the consumption of meat and/or products derived from animal production . A net change that promises to make changes in your body. But then, how does it feel not to eat meat anymore? ? Are you going to run out of energy?

Veganuary:alternative contributions

The answer to this question is yes and no . There are many alternatives for getting an iron intake. sufficient without consuming meat . Lentils, for example, are good substitutes for meat to avoid having to deal with anemia . 200 g of lentils provide you with 18 g of protein. Don't forget to eat eggs either. and dairy products for a sufficient intake of vitamin B12. No, you will not run out of energy if you consume the right alternatives. Yes, you will miss it if you don't eat enough to compensate.

Veganuary:bloating and beautiful skin

After stopping meat , you will see a clear improvement of your skin, since you will eat more fruits and vegetables which contribute to the radiance of the skin. Bet on blueberries which are powerful antioxidants. But you will also be able to observe weight loss since red meat is very caloric. On the health side, your cholesterol level will drop significantly (up to 35%). Some time after stopping meat, you may also experience digestive discomfort. since the intestinal flora must adjust to this sudden change. You therefore risk being prone to bloating, flatulence or even digestive spasms.

So, ready for the challenge?