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Do we really need to eat more in winter?

When the thermometer fall, it seems that we all have the same defense mechanism:eat . And more than usual. To warm us up , to comfort us, to give us a little pleasure (guilty?) or simply to give us energy to brave cold. However, one could think the opposite. In winter, we tend to lock ourselves at home and only go out in case of great necessity . For work, for example. Energy needs should therefore be less. This is what Quitoque , the market leader in home meal delivery, tried to find out through a study conducted on a panel of 13,400 French. 91% of them say they stay warm. 51% of women and 59% of men say eat more when it starts to get cold.

Whim or necessity?

The question is whether this appetite formidable as soon as winter comes the tip of its nose is linked to an energy need more important or if it results only from a need for delicacies due to the temperatures and the need for cocooning at this time. We know that in winter, everything is done to tempt us. Chocolates of all kinds, very (very tasty) hot drinks, Advent calendar, galette kings or logs. In short, there is enough to put in your mouth to give yourself a little balm in the heart. The figures speak for themselves:the French eat more in winter. But it is not necessarily only a question of quantity but of good quality. The French seem to be less choosy about what they eat and less guilty about eating less "healthy dishes. ". 59% of women and 72% of men claim, in this sense, to eat richer dishes than the rest of the year.

Does the cold cause hunger?

And the feeling of hunger in all this? They are 86% report being hungry more quickly and often in winter. However, according to experts, it would only be a dream and our need to eat in winter would result more from a need for comfort . “Theoretically, our body should maintain a temperature around 37°C. In winter, it requires much more energy because the seasonal cold involves more significant energy expenditure. to maintain this temperature. Logically, eating more allows us to fight against the cold. This is called thermoregulation. But with the cold winter temperatures, we also tend to put our noses outside less. . What's more, we have more warmer clothes. to protect us. At the same time, we are surely reducing a little (a lot?) our physical activity . So many factors that indicate that we have less energy expenditure than usual, leading to less energy needs great . A richer diet therefore does not seem necessary ! », explains the dietitian of the Quitoque site.

You got it, your brain is playing tricks on you. In winter, it is therefore just as important to pay attention to what you put on your plate. It is of course important to have fun all the same!