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This food actually makes you more hungry

Of course you think that if you just had a tasty snack, that feeling of hunger will stay away for a while. Yet there are also foods that actually stimulate the feeling of hunger.

Of course we are talking about 'hunger', because only in poor countries are people really hungry. Do you recognize it in yourself, having really eaten enough, but quickly feeling hungry again? You may have eaten – consciously or unconsciously – one of these things.

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Chips &pretzels

Can you seldom stick to 1 modest hand? Could be right, because the saltiness of these snacks subconsciously makes you want to take a little more. In addition, chips and pretzels contain quite a few empty carbohydrates, which do not really fill you up. In addition, such carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar to fluctuate, which can make you feel hungry.

Fast food

Unfortunately, unfortunately. Of course you already knew this. Fast food can look like a huge meal if you bring that bag with you or have it delivered and aim for a plate. But just like with chips, you eat a lot of salt. Also, more often than not, all kinds of colorings, aromas and flavors have been added to fast food and these often have the effect that you want more and more of it. Your body will crave it and may even become a little addicted to it. Add to that that your burger is usually served on a white bun. White bread – made from white flour – no longer has the fiber-rich grains that brown bread does, because the grains have been processed.


Have you ever noticed that you still feel a bit hungry after eating your daily apple? This can be explained by the fact that apples remain quite 'large'. You bite off a piece and chew well before swallowing, but the pieces remain quite hard. This means that your body then has more trouble digesting it properly and registering it as 'filling'. With softer fruit such as a peach or nectarine, your saliva can help with pre-digestion. Maybe alternate now and then, in terms of fruit?


Come on, no food (if you don't count tiramisu for a while), but drink. Alcohol contains a lot of fast sugars. Great for that temporary boost, that moment of happiness, that celebration and that tipsy toast. But it is precisely because your blood sugar level shoots up – albeit temporarily – that it causes a feeling of hunger much faster. You're actually giving your body a pretty confusing signal with it. But now you understand that the falafel you had to score after a night out didn't come directly from the wild dancing, but from all the fast sugars from your alcoholic drinks.

Pssst:did you know that we sometimes mistake thirst for hunger? Try to drink a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea with a (nice) draft first, it may just be that your system actually needs moisture!