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Here is the gesture to do as soon as you wake up to stay healthy

Take care of your health should be at the heart of our priorities . And with our way of life, it is not always easy to tackle it. Long day at work , no time to eat (well), no time to play sports and little sleep. In general, we tend to push ourselves around by… overworking . However, taking care of your health can be very easy and quick if you really want it and put your mind to it. Like this small gesture to be made on waking, on an empty stomach. To do before doing all the other things you usually do in the morning .

A simple gesture for a healthy body

Those who are used to activating the coffee machine with the right eye still glued will be disappointed. Before drinking your coffee , you should, on an empty stomach, drink a large glass of water . And this, every morning, without exception. Neither too fresh , nor too hot, the water must be at room temperature . This simple little gesture eliminates the toxins accumulated during the night and therefore to purify the body . It also allows organs that have not been active overnight to function normally and more quickly. Thus, the brain would start up faster. Another good point? Water on an empty stomach burns more calories throughout the day.

Put simply:hydration is the solution to all our ills!