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5 healthy barbecue ideas

Barbecues are synonymous with summer, relaxing evenings with family or friends, fun, conviviality. But also… fat. Bacon, sausage, mayo,…:we love it from time to time, but when the barbecues follow one another, our intestines and our tummy say "pity" to us! Fortunately, "light" barbecues also exist. Phew! So heat the coal, Simone!

1/ Swap bacon for fish. We opt for lean fish (cod, bass, hake, hake, pollock, sole, whiting, dab, haddock, sea bream, ray, sea trout, etc.) and we even have the right to have fun with fatty fish ( salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, etc.), rich in Omega 3! Yum!

2/ We put lots of vegetables…and fruits. Peppers, onions, carrots, zucchini,... it adds color, flavor and you can eat it as much as you want! And for dessert, you can even make fruit skewers and papillotes!

3/ We cook real sauces. Barbecue is not necessarily synonymous with Ketchup-Mayo-Béarnaise-Roquefort-Barbecue Sauce. In fact, we can make great sauces OURSELVES, even tastier, better for our cans and that take us on a journey! Example:we add a taste of the Caribbean to our barbec' thanks to dog sauce, sunshine to our sardines with Greek sauce,... And above all:we don't hesitate to play with herbs (basil, rosemary,...) and to swap salt for seaweed or even seeds.

4/ We concoct "light" skewers. Example:"Chicken skewers with lemongrass", "Vegetable skewers with Curry sauce" or even "Salmon skewers with lemon and kumquats"! It makes you hungry!

5/ We make papillotes. “Barbecue Provencale Chicken Papillotes”, “Barbecue Salmon Papillote 3 Peppers and Basil”, “Barbecue Cod with Mustard in Papillotes” or “Barbecue Vanilla Sole Papillotes“. Yum it's tempting!