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When do you choose what? Cardio or strength training

What works better against stress? Cardio or strength training? And which of the two does the most for your condition?

Goal 1:'I want to improve my fitness'

Cardio workouts such as spinning and running will especially increase your stamina. You train your heart muscle to pump as much blood – and therefore oxygen – through your body as possible. It makes your heart, lungs and blood vessels stronger. Strength training also does this to a lesser extent. Strength training creates a stronger heart, but cardio will improve your fitness faster. Keep in mind that you vary a lot. After a few weeks of cycling, it will probably become easier, but you can hardly keep up with running. So alternate regularly to build up a good condition.

Cardio or strength training? Cardio.

When do you choose what? Cardio or strength training

Goal 2:'I suffer from stress and want to relax more'

When you are under stress, your body produces various hormones (such as cortisol), which make you feel tense. As soon as you exercise, neurohormones are produced that counteract the stress. In addition, endorphins and serotonin are released during exercise:substances that make you happy. Which sport works best against stress depends a lot on your personality. One will have more need to react and can lose his egg with boxing, the other feels better after a long walk .

Cardio or strength training? No obvious answer. Exercising makes you feel good and makes you relax, no matter what sport you practice.

When do you choose what? Cardio or strength training

Goal 3:'I want to lose fat'

Cardio burns a lot of calories, but strength training also burns you later when you rest. In addition, the more muscle mass you have, the more your fat percentage decreases. You burn about 120 calories a day with every one and a half kilos of muscle that you 'gain'. If lose weight is your goal, it is therefore best to add strength training to your sports schedule.

Cardio or strength training? Strength training, although a good cardio session once a week can promote weight loss.

When do you choose what? Cardio or strength training When do you choose what? Cardio or strength training

Goal 4:'I quickly suffer from back pain and want to reduce it'

Especially if you have a sedentary profession, your back can be more prone to problems. From research it even appears that a large part of the Dutch population regularly has back or neck complaints during or after work. If you have a strong core (back and abdominal muscles), you can reduce these complaints. You can strengthen your core with a few simple exercises. For example, think of the (side) plank and the superman (where you sit on your hands and knees and stretch your left arm and right leg at the same time, and vice versa). Research from Tel Aviv University shows that walking can also help reduce back pain. Walk two to four times a week, build up to twenty minutes and after a few weeks you should be doing 40 minute sessions. By walking you also train your abdominal and back muscles.

Cardio or strength training? Strength training.

Image:Getty Ima ges

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