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“Dry January”:6 reasons to participate in the alcohol-free month

Launched in England in 2013 and officially sponsored by Public Health England since 2015, the "Dry January" - an experiment that encourages people to stop their alcohol consumption in January - was to be, in France, supported by the State but the latter finally abandoned all support for the initiative under pressure from the wine lobby. Surprising since each year in France, alcohol causes 41,000 deaths, eleven times more than road accidents.

After the New Year, heading for the January Challenge

A defection that should not prevent us from participating if we obviously wish. Moreover, the initiative – officially launched on January 1 under the name January Challenge – is supported by some forty associations concerned with addiction, cancer and more generally public health.
Last year in England, 3 million people took part in Dry January> . A study carried out by the University of Sussex and involving 800 people who took up the challenge of Dry January in January 2018, demonstrated the immediate health benefits of such an initiative. As a reminder, one in four French people drinks too much alcohol; so if you feel that your excessive consumption is leading you down the wrong path, it's time to make January THE month of abstinence. The only risk at the end of the experience? Make you feel better.

A sense of accomplishment

Indeed, for the vast majority of people who participated in the English study, the benefits were direct:

1- 71% said they had better quality sleep

2- 70% felt a boost of energy

3- 57% had better concentration

4-58% claim to have lost weight

5- 88% saved money

6- 88% felt better able to control their consumption the rest of the year

And the drinking days went from 3 to 4 days a week with a reduction of one drink per day of consumption. In addition, 71% of participants realized that they did not need a drink to have fun and 93% felt a sense of accomplishment at the end of the month.

So many statistics to which are obviously added a reduction in the risk of cancer of the mouth, liver, queens, colon, stomach and healthier skin (it will be purified because it will be better hydrated).
There, you know everything! So, ready for The January Challenge?