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Vaginal yeast infection:9 things to know to prevent, avoid and treat it

Vaginal mycosis, what is it?

A vaginal yeast infection is a gynecological infection caused by fungi, the most common of which is Candida Albicans . This infection causes itching, burning on urination, heavy and thick discharge as well as pain during sexual intercourse. Vaginal mycosis is to be differentiated from vaginosis which manifests itself by greenish or yellowish and odorous losses. Vaginosis is a bacterial infection. At least once in their life, 3 out of 4 women will suffer from vaginal yeast infection.

Vaginal mycosis:what are the treatments?

In case of vaginal yeast infection, the doctor may prescribe antifungal eggs or capsules to be introduced into the vagina. Eggs are introduced into the vagina at night, including during menstruation. There are single-dose ovules and short-term treatments.

This treatment can be supplemented by the application of an antifungal cream if the vulva is affected by the infection. An oral fungicide may also be prescribed by the doctor. Oral treatment is prescribed by prescription only. A course of probiotics may be necessary to reseed the vaginal flora with lactobacilli. These form a protective biofilm inside the vagina and help it to defend itself against aggression.

The doctor takes a vaginal swab to determine the microorganism responsible for the infection and thus apply the most appropriate treatment to eradicate it.

Vaginal mycosis:how to prevent it?

To avoid the recurrence of a vaginal yeast infection, here are some precautions to take:

  • Wear cotton underwear;
  • Avoid douching and the use of scented soaps;
  • Take a shower immediately after swimming in the pool;
  • Do not keep your swimsuit wet, as fungi proliferate in a humid and warm environment;
  • Limit sugar consumption (mushrooms feed on sugar);
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes.

Vaginal mycosis:what are the risk factors?

Some factors can favor the proliferation of fungi:

  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking antibiotics;
  • Stress;
  • Excessive intimate hygiene…